COVID Driver Guidance
Henver Cars Guidance Notes – COVID-19 – Revised: 01/06/2021
Government Guidance – (Last updated 17 May 2021)
Government guidance for using Taxi & PHVs states that “Passengers must adhere to social contact rules when travelling by taxi or PHV, including only gathering to travel in groups of no more than 6, or 2 households, aside from the driver”.
It also states that “as a self-employed driver of a vehicle you must conduct a risk assessment to understand the risks and what you can do about them. You should think about how you work and ways you can protect yourself and your passengers.”
Re: Children under 11yrs wearing face masks on school transport during COVID-19 Pandemic
Henver Cars Driver Risk Assessment for School Transport from Multiple Households
Assessed Risk: As the school contracts we are currently undertaking in the school year 2020-21 involve collecting four or more pupils from more than 2 households aside from the driver, there is deemed to be a significant additional risk to the driver’s safety whilst working and operating in such a confined space on this basis.
Result – Passengers: It is considered that the only available option to try and mitigate the additional significant risk due to close contact with multiple households above the recommended maximum level in Taxis & PHVs, is to insist that all passengers wear a suitable face covering at all times, regardless of age. Whilst this is mandatory for anyone over the age of 11 years, it is not for those under the age of 11 years, but taking into account the significant additional risk assessed, we must insist that it is mandatory for all, regardless of age, for the safety of the driver in such a confined environment.
Result – Drivers: It can make driving very difficult wearing a mask at all times, and possibly pose its own safety risks. As our vehicles are fitted with a COVID screen behind the driver’s seat row, when no passengers are present in the front seats, the driver may remove their mask if they wish and crack open the windows for additional ventilation, but although not mandatory for Taxi and PHV drivers, it is recommended that driver’s wear their face masks when passengers are present in the front row.
Requests: We as a company hope that parents will recognise the importance of the role we play in transporting their children to and from school in a safe and secure manner on a regular daily basis, and the responsibility that this places on our drivers. We ask that parents support us in helping to mitigate the significant additional risks posed to our drivers during these difficult times by ensuring that their children do wear a suitable face covering, regardless of age. We think it is a small thing to ask.