Zero Tolerance Policy – No Excuse for Abuse
Henver Cars has introduced a ‘zero tolerance’ policy to address the issue of violence, aggression and unacceptable behaviour directed towards it’s drivers and representatives. Henver Cars is delivering a clear message to the public that violence and aggression towards any Henver Cars staff member is unacceptable.
Violence and aggression at work
1. Violence and aggression at work is – ‘any incident in which a person is abused, threatened or assaulted in circumstances relating to their work’
a. Physical assault is – ‘the intentional application of force from one person to another, without lawful justification, resulting in physical injury, personal discomfort or damage to property’
b. Non-physical assault is – ‘the use of inappropriate words (including, but not exclusively, verbal/written/social media) or behaviour causing alarm, distress and/or constituting harassment’
c. Persistent unacceptable behaviour – refers to behaviour both within one contact and/or a number of separate contacts over an undefined period (this includes telephone contact)’
d. Road rage – ‘a deliberate act by the driver or passenger of a motor vehicle which is intended to intimidate, cause harm to other people and/or damage to their vehicles or property’
e. Parked on a Taxi Rank – ‘is a Higher Level Contravention (Code 45) – Higher level contraventions for authorities outside London are determined by The Civil Enforcement of Parking Contraventions (Guidance on Levels of Charges) (England) Order 2007‘
Zero tolerance
Henver Cars will not accept or tolerate any violence or aggression towards its drivers and staff and any such act/behaviour will result in appropriate action or sanctions.
Guidance: When deemed necessary, individual risk assessments will be undertaken by our drivers/representatives prior to, and during the provision of services. Our vehicles usually also operate CCTV both outward and inward including audio, and we reserve the right to store such footage for evidential purposes. In exceptional circumstances we reserve the right and authorise our drivers to refuse entry, or ask you to leave the vehicle in order to restore their right to a safe working environment, and we reserve the right to refuse the provision of services due to historical abusive behaviour.