Is there Uber in Newquay
No. There is currently no Uber service available in Newquay that we know of, the nearest city for Uber is the Bristol area as we understand it, but you can book Newquay Airport Taxis here, or local cab services here.
No. There is currently no Uber service available in Newquay that we know of, the nearest city for Uber is the Bristol area as we understand it, but you can book Newquay Airport Taxis here, or local cab services here.
You can cancel your service provided that the notice you give us is no less than 60 minutes before the arranged booking time, or no less than the estimated travelling time to the collection address if greater than 60 minutes …
Don’t worry, we always try to let common sense prevail. We always monitor flights in order to adjust our timings to meet your flight, and we do encourage our customers to keep us informed and updated on the progress of …
Just let us know, and we can deal with it by email if more than a day before and request either additional funds if a longer journey, or refund if shorter, or, if this is last minute simply tell your …
Can I change the destination of my Taxi after I have booked it? Read more »
Yes you can, either online at the time of booking, or in the vehicle with chip & pin or contactless, just ask your driver.
Your driver will be waiting in the foyer with a name board for you – PLEASE DO NOT GO TO THE BOOKING DESK. However, in the event he/she is not there, they may have been forced to wait outside due …
You will receive an email confirming the details of your journey. This email will also tell you where you should meet your taxi. If you have not received your confirmation, your taxi service is not booked!
Our prices are per vehicle not per person. During the booking process you will be asked for the number of passengers. This information is to ensure that the most suitable vehicle is arranged for your needs.
Our online booking process is very user friendly, quick and simple to use. However we do understand that some customers prefer to speak to a real person. So please do call us on 01637 415161 if this is the case …
Do I have to book online, I prefer to speak to someone? Read more »
We calculate our prices based upon the Cornwall Council Restormel Zone Hackney Carriage Table of Fares and then discount these prices. Our prices include any charges to travel to Newquay Airport in order to provide our services to you.